
Renshi Kidby
Dec 13, 20081 min read
Area Gradings - December 2008
Congratulations to everyone who passed at the recent gradings. As usual the overall standard was very good! Club Trophy Winners Ampthill:...
Sensei Liam o'Reilly
Nov 29, 20081 min read
Wolverton Club is on the move...
As of 01/12/08 Wolverton Club will be enjoying their training at Bushfield Middle School. Still in Wolverton, still between 7.30pm -...
Sensei Barry Nelson
Nov 15, 20082 min read
Shihan Finch Course - November 2008
Shihan Craig Finch 6th Dan returned to take us on a Kumite and Bo staff course on the 15th November.. The course was split into 2 parts,...

Renshi Kidby
Nov 8, 20081 min read
Ugandan Appeal Update
Sensei Kidby recently received a letter from the trustees of the charity that we are supporting, thanking everyone for their kind support...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Sep 26, 20081 min read
Barbara O'Reilly
I joined CFTS, after watching my husband and two sons training for several years, (if I couldn’t beat them I might as well join them). I...

Renshi Kidby
Sep 19, 20081 min read
Area Gradings - September 2008
Details of the recent Bletchley & Bedford Area Gradings. Congratulations to all the karate-ka that attained their next grade at the...

Renshi Kidby
Sep 5, 20082 min read
Charity 5-a-side Fun Football Tournament
The Bunyan Sports Centre in Bedford recently hosted a five a side football tournament for “The Central Federation Traditional Shotokan...

Renshi Kidby
Jun 13, 20081 min read
Bletchley and Bedford Area Gradings - June 2008
Congratulations to all the Karate-ka that passed their recent gradings! Keep up the hard work and training as you are now working towards...

Renshi Kidby
May 30, 20083 min read
Northern Uganda Charity Appeal - Update
We have been given some pictures and information about the people of Lira and the village they live in, to give us some idea of what...
Sensei Barry Nelson
May 16, 20082 min read
Sensei Randall Course - May 2008
Sensei Randall 8th Dan recently visited CFTS to take another course. As usual he put us through our paces and gave our brains a workout...

Sensei Barry Nelson
May 3, 20083 min read
Northern Uganda Charity Appeal
At the recent gradings, Sensei Kidby launched our latest charity appeal. It has been decided that we will try to help Lira, a village in...
Sarah Heaslip
Apr 11, 20083 min read
Competition Day 2008
On Saturday 12th April 2008, a large number of hopeful karateka from the Bedford and Milton Keynes area turned up for another eventful...
Renshi Kidby
Apr 4, 20081 min read
Race For Life
Lucy Kershaw is entering the race for life this year in Milton Keynes on 31st May & is looking for kind people to sponsor her! It's only...

Luke Whitworth
Mar 28, 20081 min read
Luke Whitworth
I started training after moaning to a friend one night that I needed a hobby that didn't involve the pub. She was training with Sensei...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Mar 2, 20081 min read
CFTS Open Day 2008 and Area Gradings
It was suggested that this year the Bletchley Area Gradings were to be organised a little differently. Sensei McMahon and Sensei Kidby...
Sensei Simon McMahon
Feb 9, 20082 min read
Shihan Holmes Course - February 2008
Once again there was a unanimous request for Shihan Holmes to come back and give us another self-defence course. Shihan Holmes brought a...
Renshi Kidby
Jan 1, 20081 min read
2008 Courses
Upcoming courses for this year: Please be aware of the following regarding ALL courses; Tickets must be purchased in advance from your...