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Luke Whitworth

I started training after moaning to a friend one night that I needed a hobby that didn't involve the pub.

She was training with Sensei McClagish at Clapham club so suggested I come join in and see if I liked it. After a day spent panicking at what I'd let myself in for, I went along and was instantly hooked and training very quickly became the highlight of my week.

In the years since that I have always enjoyed all aspects of karate training as it is a constantly challenge, there's always a new technique to learn or an old one to perfect, and just when you think you're starting to get the hang of things someone shows you the jump in Unsu!

In March of 2008, thanks mainly to the patience and support of Senseis McClagish, Saunders and all the karate-ka who I have had the privilege of training with in the association, I was awarded the rank of Shodan, an achievement that I wouldn't have thought was even possible five years ago.

I hope that I can continue to train for many more years to come and give back something to karate, as it has already given me so much... and maybe, just maybe work out how to do that jump in Unsu.


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