Born in 1956, Donovan Slue has always held an interest in the fighting arts. He began training in the late 1970’s under Sensei Van-Weenen. He is a big man who made himself stronger and bigger by regularly weight training. He is an unassuming, personable, true gentleman of no mean karate ability and as most of CFTS students can testify is a great instructor too with a good sense of humour.

He has a gentle calm way with him but his karate, when switched on, is anything other than calm. It is considered and well-rehearsed so when implemented is delivered in a natural instinctive way. To get this good takes many hours of practice.
Sensei Slue has trained and practiced with many renowned karate instructors. Sensei Kanazawa, Asano, Kato, Vince Morris, Aidan Trimble, Wayne Otto and Ticky Donovan to name but a few. He has spent many hours training with the national kumite squad which has made him the proficient fighter he is.
He has competed at both points and full contact and has been a doorman for over thirty years so his karate has been tested in many ways. In 2012 he was justly awarded 6th Dan jointly by Renshi Kidby and Sahota Sensei when taking a course for CFTS.