A sunny Sunday in the Dojo... it was going to be hot!
Around 70 students of all grades turned up, on one of the hottest days of the year so far, to enjoy an afternoon of training with Renshi Kidby, Shihan O’Reilly and Shihan McClagish.
There were dry throats and nervous rumbly tums – and that was just the instructors. But once training got under way, there were smiles all round.
The students were split into 3 groups – beginners to green belt, purple to brown and white belt, and brown and red to black belts - for Kata (with bunkai), Kumite and Self Defence to blunt weapon attacks.
Each instructor took a group for an hour's tuition aimed at their relevant level, in what was to be a day of relaxed but informative training, ensuring that the students got as much as possible out of the afternoon.
Certainly the mood within the dojo was upbeat. The instructors called their groups around them and explained each set of combinations so they would get the utmost benefit from them.
Working within their peer groups worked very well for the students. They were not ‘overshadowed’ by higher grades within their groups grasping the technique quicker or easier than they were. This seemed to be prevalent throughout each group; they were working within a comfort zone at the same time as having their minds taxed!
The concept of an hour of each instructor/mode of training worked very well, as it kept the students on their toes as they had to switch from different techniques each hour, as well as the instructors who had to remember their combinations and at which level they were instructing.
It made a refreshing change to have instruction by three different Senseis all in the same afternoon and with a lot of input as there was so much covered in the three area’s.
Certainly while walking around taking the photos (about 700 of them I’ve been told!) there was a sense of fun being had by all, including the instructors.
I have to say that even the junior grades did very well to stay so focused after 3 hours of training. The younger ones especially so, so well done to them as there were no tears or tantrums (once again, none from the instructors either)!
Renshi said: “It was an amazing turnout considering the heat of the day when families could so easily have been doing many other things of a more relaxing nature. The concentration and effort of all grades and level of ability was a credit to all. Three hours in a hot dojo when working hard takes a lot of effort and dedication. Even the youngest of the lowest grades was a credit to their club, their instructor and to CFTS. Well done to all who attended and not least to Shihan O’Reilly & Shihan McClagish for coming up with great content for the course.”
This was the first session of its kind held by CFTS, and if the response from the students was anything to go by it should be a regular occurrence (sorry Renshi and Shihan’s, but it has to be said that - that was the feeling I got from the students).
Although I was not actively participating I, like those taking part, thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.
I’m sure you would all join me in thanking Renshi Kidby, Shihan O’Reilly and Shihan McClagish for giving up their time to not only come along to instruct everyone, but also for the time taken in thinking up the lesson plans, compiling the details then making them workable for all the different levels. To compile lesson plans to cover three hours at different grades took some planning and not least a fair bit of time.
So, see you all at the next one...?