Hitotsu Jinkaku Kansei ni Tsutomoru Koto!
One! To strive for the perfection of character!
Hitotsu! Makoto No Michi O Mamoru Koto!
One! To defend the paths of truth!
Hitotsu! Doryoku No Seishin O Yashinau Koto!
One! To foster the spirit of effort!
Hitotsu! Reigi O Omonzuru Koto!
One! To honour the principles of etiquette!
Hitotsu! Kekki No Yu O Imashimuru Koto!
One! To guard against impetuous courage!
The Dojo Kun in full
Complete Dojo Kun in English and Japanese, read by Sensei Kidby both fast and slow; ideal for learning our morals for life.