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Dan Gradings - Saturday 23rd March 2024

Four nervous candidates attended the Dan gradings on Saturday 23rd March. The grading day was split into two halves, with a Shodan and Nidan candidate in the morning session, and two Sandan candidates in the afternoon session.

The grading panel consisted of senior club instructors plus some Dan grade assistants.


The morning session started with Sophie Yorath (Newton Longville) going for Shodan and Jamie Ogston (Newport Pagnall) going for Nidan.

Suffice to say, without giving anything away, the next two and a half hours put them through their paces both physically and mentally, testing their skills, nerve, knowledge and overwhelming desire to succeed.

Both were successful and passed with excellent marks, congratulations to you both! Images are shown below.


The afternoon session saw Steve Young (Brickhill) and Roy Currie (Kempston) step up to the mark to attempt their Sandan (third Dan black belt) grading.

Another closed room affair, we cannot publish details of their gradings but it was a hard fought event from which they both emerged bruised but successful and passed Sandan.

Congratulations to you both from the panel.


Jamie from Newport Pagnall

Sophie from Newton Longville

Steve from Brickhill and Roy from Kempston

The Grading Panel and Assistants

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