1993 was a long time ago yet it only seems like last year. It was in that year that the first thoughts of breaking away from Sensei van Weenen’s TASK was born with fellow disgruntled peers over a pint. CFTS was formed officially in 1994 when we were accepted by Karate’s governing body the EKGB. How the last twenty five years have passed. They have simply flown by.
During that time we have hosted over 150 courses and seminars, over 100 kyu gradings and almost 50 black belt gradings. We have always had a busy calendar with an event most months which is maybe the years have flown by.
To commemorate the milestone of a quarter of a century of CFTS was why we held a special anniversary seminar recently.
As I was closing the seminar (as I thought) I was upstaged by our chairman Shihan Eddie McClagish. He took over proceedings. He first talked of my karate career to date, of how and why CFTS was formed and a brief resume of our history. At this moment I was bewildered wondering where he was going. I didn’t have to wait too long.
I was left speechless when Shihan presented me various gifts on behalf of the instructors. A prized possession will be the framed kanji depicting 25 years of CFTS. Also it is fair to say I am now well stocked with Malt Whiskey! As if that were not enough I was handed a hotel voucher for Mr and Mrs Smith worth £300 for my wife (for putting up with me and karate for so long) and myself to enjoy at a time and destination of our choosing. Gifts and kind words came from many of you, too many to thank individually. I was touched by the warmth and affection shown. It was a high point of my karate and a day that will live long in my memory, Alzheimer’s permitting!
For all your kind thoughts, words and gifts, we would both like to say a big thank you to you all.
Renshi Kidby and Mrs Barbara Kidby